Computer Prototyping - Day 5


Most of Friday was spent finishing and proofreading PCB designs, and organizing the fabrication of the PCBs. Much of the time consisted of looking over final PCB designs in the Fritzing design client; ensuring that the traces did not short each other, and the components has adequate accommodations to properly fit within the working board environment. The other part of the day was consumed browsing different PCB manufacturers, and selecting one that would enable a weekend turnaround, as well as being within budget. Such a company was not found however, and we resolved to fabricating our own PCBs in house, as well as sending our designs to an overseas European manufacturing facility for later development. This configuration not only allowed us to gain experience in the PCB manufacturing process, but provided us with a professionally made base for our instrument prototypes.

This video was taken whilst running the CNC machine to drill the necessary vias for the PCB boards. 


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